Elden Ring adds Multiplayer Arenas in Free Update

New co-op and PvP opportunities arrive December 7th

In an unexpected manner, Elden Ring developer and producer From Software and Bandai Namco respectively announced today that a new free DLC will launch on December 7th, titled the Colosseum update. Footage from the announcement trailer, along with a video description, details the three Colosseum structures found in the game areas of Limgrave, Leyndell, and Caelid will open up for players to explore. The primary focus of these arenas will be PvP-based combat, with options including duels and fights between teams. This mechanic will add a new twist to the existing multiplayer system, which up until now involved random invasions of other players’ worlds to attack and defeat them and their teammates.

Keen explorers of Elden Ring’s world most likely noticed these colosseums in their explorations of the different game locales. In fact, these structures are so large that they’re impossible to miss, though they were left unnamed and unmarked on in-game maps. Most of the time there was some barrier to entry, such as no visible door or a giant pot creature standing guard. Now, players will be able to enter all new areas to satisfy their inner completionist. Watching the announcement trailer, sharp-eyed players may also notice player teams of three roaming the existing environment, which could point to co-op system improvements. On December 7th, prepare to dust off your health flasks and favorite weapons to earn your place in the Colosseums.

Elden Ring is well-poised to make this announcement, given the timing of the year. Currently, this game holds nominations in seven categories in the upcoming ceremony for The Game Awards, including Game of the Year, Best Role-Playing Game, and Best Art Direction. Adding this new arena battle update reintroduces the game to many players' minds as the year draws to a close as well as reinvigorates the existing player base looking for new content.

Elden Ring is currently available on Playstation, Xbox platforms, and PC systems. Stay up to date on news and announcements on their Twitter and website. We also have a review available! Let us know if you plan on going toe-to-toe in the arenas this holiday season in the comments below!

Marcus Brown

Marcus is a small town gamer from Tennessee who loves turning gaming topics into meaningful discussions. He has always been enthralled with the stories told by single-player titles such as Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy, with his most recent passion project being Destiny 2. More importantly, he believes in the social power and change that can come from gaming relationships and interactions. You can find him pretty regularly on Twitch under his gaming alias GingerThrust. Outside of gaming, Marcus has varied hobbies including reading, exploring new bars and restaurants and attempting to make the perfect cocktail. He even skydived, once and only once.



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