RWBY Vol 7 Episode 1 Impressions. One Bombshell of an Opening!



Silver Linings, Make Overs, and Crow’s Bad Feelings…

RWBY Vol 7 Episode 1 dropped one bombshell of an opening episode for this season. It had all the great staples of seasons passed such as improved fight scenes, characters looking neater and sharper, and lots of complicated story with emotions torn thin. Sound like you’re ready for the good stuff yet? If that is a yes, be warned I’m going total spoiler of this episode and most likely some of it before hand so be sure to watch your way up before you dive in if you want to be surprised.

So RWBY did indeed open with a bang, but it’s not just because of all of the great stuff from before. I honestly missed when it was coming out. So to find it on my feed this morning caught me by a very pleasant surprise. This episode opened where team RWBY left off last season, finally arriving near Atlas. They had just finished off the Kaiju level Grimm and were hobbling their ship to get inside of the blockade around the city. Having just made it with a lucky guess the team looks up and the season ended.

Now we are back into the new season (Vol 7) we get to see them actually get close to their goal of talking to General Ironwood, but something is wrong. James Ironwood looks tired….Scared even. Weiss Schnee realizes she can’t talk to her sister after seeing her on the monitors just the same as General Ironwood, and fears they may capture her and take her back home. The entire city under Atlas is under heavy military security and with the team in a stolen ship and faking their ID to get in there needed to land somewhere else. Maria (The former Huntress with Grey eyes like Ruby), takes them down into a less populated city area and they ditch the ship. They meet up with her friend Pietro, a Paraplegic medical mind and engineer for Atlas. One of their Finest minds.

Pietro recognized RWBY and her team and begins to say his daughter knows them right before Grimm attack the city. The team head out to hold them off in a beautiful display of the abilities of fight scenes for this season before they are stopped by a set of green laser blasts that take care of the remaining Grimm. Then down comes a familiar face…

Penny shows back up! It was awesome to see this, and was something I had been tossing around in my head for quite some time. Her character model has had a fantastic update since we last saw her android body/self torn to shreds. It was extremely traumatizing to them before, but seeing her now and her remembering them made the team well up with relief. And there was a very funny greeting to Ruby herself from Penny. Pietro re-introduces Penny as his daughter to team RWBY.

All this comes as a silver lining only to have Penny run off to defend another part of town. There is a quite funny one liner with a pause that I may or may not have used several times in my life which made it hit even better for me personally. After their attack Maria and Pietro head back inside and while the rest of the team decide what to do they start off and get captured by the Ace-Ops team from Atlas itself. It’s a tense moment that underscores Crow’s concern for a situation to be worse than it was actually going.

Now the episode ends with the door being slammed shut on them in the…er…Squad car/van-like thing. But! This does lead us right into the really sleek and artsy looking sequence. I’m not sure if this sequence is the new opening or if it is a new type of ending. My bet’s are on opening though, and either way it doesn’t matter much because it was super cool.

the opening starts with Iron wood looking up, and then panning to a new shot of team RWBY standing on a snowy cliffside outside of Atlas. Then is goes into a pretty great bust shot (not of breasts but like shoulder area to above head like statues you see of former professors and such) of the team each in a row as we know them now. Then we see a transformation. Not like magical girls, but you see them jump around through the air and in the second half of this quick sequence you see that they change their appearance into what I can easily assume will be their look for the rest of the season starting in the next episode or two. And the new gear looks pretty great and suits them very well. Though I am sad to see the long hair go, the short hair on the most of them makes far more sense for their characters as people to be able to do things better. Then to end it all off you get this awesome picture below that makes me feel like the Ace-Ops and the extended Team RWBY will be teaming up with Ironwood and Weiss’ sister Winter Schnee. It’s Pretty Exciting if you ask me.

This all being said with this RWBY vol 7 Episode 1, I believe we are in for a very interesting season as Team RWBY and extended team friends regroup with allies and enemies in Atlas to fight off the Grimm and Salem’s attacks on them all. I believe we will be getting more details on Weiss’ family issues with her sister coming into the picture to be either helpful or that trope of an older sister who is aloof. I also believe we will get a backstory on why Penny was created, more on the Silver-Eyed Warriors, see Yang learn her temper control even more, and check out some more amazing growth of characters. A;so among the trailer you can see they are hyping up the fight against Salem, and the emphasis on the lamp being taken is a bit…eep!

What do you all think about this episode and how it played out? Let us know over on Twitter @ForeverXClassic with your thoughts and questions!

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Zachary Snyder

A human~ish person with many talents, Co-Owner of Forever Classic Games, and someone who loves gaming with others.

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