Troy Baker and Nolan North are Playing The Last of Us on YouTube


In the years since becoming fast friends, Troy Baker and Nolan North who are known best for their roles in Uncharted (North as Nathan Drake) and The Last of Us (Baker as Joel), have started a gaming-centric YouTube channel called Retro Replay. Their channel features them playing games and just having in general while offering insight into the games from the industry point of view. One of their notable projects on the channel was Nolan North experiencing and playing through Uncharted for the first time. Recently, they started another playthrough, this time through The Last of Us.

Dubbed “The Last of Us The Definitive Playthrough.” the series features some really great stories from Baker about the making of the game and his experience playing Joel. Combined with North’s completely wholesome and genuine reactions to the story, this playthrough is super entertaining and informative. However, I feel like the part that really pushes it to be “definitive” is the guests on the show. From Hana Hayes (the voice of Joel’s daughter Sarah) to Ashley Johnson (who voiced Ellie) the guests add a new level to each episode, often featuring the actors of characters who have major moments in the story. You can tell that North is completely invested in experiencing the story and that Baker is so extremely proud of the work he and that team did.


Troy Baker and Hana Hayes discuss filming while Nolan North is stunned by a story moment.

The Last of Us was one of my favorite games of the last decade and it is in my top five games of all time. I’m extremely excited to start the next decade with The Last of Us Part II. Getting the cool behind the scenes stories and insight from the original game in this Definitive Playthrough from Troy Baker and Nolan North has been a phenomenal way to celebrate this game and get hyped for May 29th.

You too can be entertained and learn about game production and voice acting by starting with part one over on the Retro Replay YouTube channel. While you’re there, watch their other videos too including their definitive playthroughs of both Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Joe Siemsen

Deep within Joe lies a passion for gaming, comics, video, and animation. This passion not only keeps him warm in the dark Minnesota winters it has led him to be a feature and review writer for Marooner's Rock where he discovered the joy of working in the games industry. Above and beyond that, Joe has a YouTube series called Daddy Gamer where he and his daughter review games and do silly things together.


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